Версия для печати

Г.Е.Дунаева, Т.А.Белоголова «Экология на уроках английского языка»

 Цели: 1. Познакомить учащихся с проблемой загрязнения на английском языке.

2. Обеспечить усвоение лексики и умение высказываться по теме на английском языке.

3. Воспитывать чувство ответственности за окружающий нас мирю


1. Беседа с дежурным. 2. Фонетическая зарядка:

What kind of planet our children inherit?

Will they have room to room, Air to breathe and food to eat?

Will they ever see an eagle flying free or

enjoy the solitude of a pristine mountain lake?


1. Ознакомление с новой лексикой

Pollution Pestisides
Environment Bad breath
To poison Wastes, industrial wastes
Chemicals Letter = gabbage
Fer tilizers Deforestation
Acid rains To harm
To discharge To damage
Green house effect Law
To install filter Drinking water supply
To dump Cleaning equipment

а) систематизация слов - самостоятельная работа со словарем;

б) Фонетическая  отработка лексики;

в) перевод отдельных предложений и выражений.

The main problem nowdays is water and air pollution.

Everybody wants our environment to be clean/

Acid rains poison plants, water, air,

Many industrial complexes now install filter.

To install cleaning equipment

To poison environment.

г) придумать свои предложения и выражения с новой лексикой.

2. Работа с текстом.

Text "Pollution solutions".

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems today. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, damage the soil with too many fertilizes and pesticides. Nearly everybody causes environmental pollution. People pollute their surrounding in different ways.

There are three main sources of water pollution: industrial wastes, sewage, agricultural chemicals and wastes.

The real threats to rivers, lakes and the oceans are factories and plants. Water is also polluted into water ways. Farmers spray a lot of chemicals on fields and then with rain water they flow into streams, animal wastes also may cause water pollution.

As a result of water pollution lakes, rivers, and ever whole seas have been turned in to sewers. The sea shores look like a mess, littered with garbage. Water pollution is threatening drinking water supplies and can spread many diseases.

People are trying to reduce water pollution in various ways. Companies install cleansing equipment. People are building sewage treatment plants to clean water. Government are helping farmers to find ways to protect crops. Also governments are making tougher laws against water pollution.

Тренировочные задания

I.1. Read the first paragraph of the text and say what it is about?

2. Read the text and learn about the main sources of pollution and find out how people are solving this problem.

II.  Find English equivalents to following Russian

1. загрязнение окружающей среды

2. сократить загрязнение воды

3. сточные воды

4. устанавливать более строгие законы

5. причинять вред

6. запасы питьевой воды

7. устанавливать очистительное оборудование

8. химикаты, мусор.

III.  Agree or disagree with statements.

Use cliches: It is quite right.    It is wrong I'm afraid

I agree to it.       I wouldn't go along with it.

1. Factories, plants, cars and trucks produce a lot of breath air.

2. To make tougher Laws against air pollution install extra filters are the ways out.

3. Industries discharge chemical wastes and cause pollution.

4. Untreated sewage is tot harmful.

5. Agricultural chemicals and wastes add a lot to water pollution.

6. Water pollution causes many diseases and poisons drinking water.

7. Cleaning equipment helps to remove harmful chemicals from wastes.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is environmental pollution considered to be a serious problem?

2. What are three main sources of water pollution?

3. In what way do companies and enterprises pollute water?

4. What is acid rain?

5. What is the effect of farmers activities?

6. What do sea shores look like?

7. What changes can water pollution lead to?

8. How people try to solve the problem of water pollution.?

 V.   Prove that water pollution is a serious problem today. Stress that agricultural wastes and chemicals add a lot of harm.

Don't forget to use: Well...

You know...

You see...

VI.   Compare your opinion of pollution control with that in the text. If you think the same, say how pollution can be reduced. Use

I suppose...

To my mind...

As far as I know...

In fact...

To tell the truth...

VII. Pretend that you are journalists of a local news paper. The newspaper wants to place an article to draw public attention to the ecological problem.

Suggest your articles and you'll choose the best one.

Mind that the article should be brief.

3. Поведение итогов урока.

Домашнее задание: лексика

Подготовить газетную статью по изученной теме.

//Высшее профессиональное училище №22 - федеральная экспериментальная площадка по формированию экологической ответственности: Опыт работы  /Сост. В.И.Долгопольская - Улан-Удэ, 2001. - С. 59 - 61.